Disponível Tamiya GERMAN BATTLESHIP BISMARCK 78013 Escala: 1/350 72,00 € Bismarck is one of the most famous and well-known ships in naval combat history. It's known by it's distinctive silhouette and powerful armament. A special display stand and beautifully crafted nameplate are also included for an awe-inspiring display. Adicionar ao carrinho
Disponível Tamiya - Tintas Acrílicas XF-70 Dark Green 2 - 10ml Tinta Acrílica XF-70 3,30 € Adicionar ao carrinho
In Stock Tintas Sprays DARK GREEN (LUFTWAFFE) 100ml Spray Acrílico AS-24 9,50 € Adicionar ao carrinho
ESGOTADO TEMPORARIAMENTE Tamiya - Tintas Acrílicas XF-63 German Grey - 10ml Acrylic Paint XF-63 3,30 € Ver