All shippings are made in Registered Mail and it is always provided a TRACK ID of the order to the customer. Hobbysector is responsible for any loss or damage that may occur during shipping process.
Payments must be done until 4 working days after the order placed, other way Hobbysector can consider the order cancelled.
Campaigns and Sales
Sale items are limited to existing stock.
HOBBYSECTOR reserves the right to modify, cancel or refuse any promotion, campaign or discount, without prior notice.
Articles in sales are not included or affected by in other campaigns or sales actions.
All Hobbysector products dispose of legal warranty or additionally manufacturer's warranty as indicated in the documentation of each product.
Products are considered under the terms of warranty when effectively present themselves defective, due problems of production.
Important: Products that suffer damages caused by incorrect or abusive use or against the manufacturers indications are not covered by the terms of warranty.
For activation of a product warranty contact us at The following conditions must be fulfilled:
♦ All shipping costs are supported by the customer;
♦ The product must be in the original package and in the same conditions as in the moment it was sold;
♦ Products must be accompanied by the Invoice of purchase.
A product can be returned until 14 days after the purchase and the following conditions must be fulfilled:
♦ The product must be in the original package and in the same conditions as in the moment it was sold;
♦ Products must be accompanied by the Invoice of purchase;
♦ Shiping costs of the initial order are not eligible to be refunded, except for returns under guarantee or due any error by Hobbysector;
♦ The returning shipping costs are supported by the customer. Any Custom taxes on returning are supprted by customer as well;
♦ The articles bought in Sale are not eligible of returning.
Before proceed with a return please contact us at
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